Assessment Appeals - FAQs
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- Assessment Appeals
- Assessment Appeals - FAQs
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Do I have to pay my property taxes?
What is the difference between a secured property tax and unsecured property tax?
How can I get a copy of my current property tax bill?
How do I read my property tax bill? What are my payment options?
I have a problem with my property tax bill. Who do I call?
When are the property taxes due?
I have questions regarding the assessment on my property. Who do I call?
Is the Assessment Appeals Board part of the Assessor’s Office?
I disagree with my property tax assessment. What can I do?
I just purchased a piece of property. How long will it be before I receive a Supplemental Tax Bill?
I just received a Supplemental Tax Bill (or Adjusted, Corrected or Escape tax bill) with which I disagree. Should I contact my local Assessor’s Office
and try to work out a solution?
How do I get an Assessment Appeals application?
I need assistance completing my Assessment Appeal Application. How can I get help?
When is the assessment appeals filing period?
How long does it take an assessment appeals application to be resolved?
How will I be informed of my Assessment Appeals Hearing?
I just purchased a piece of property. Why is the assessed value more than what I paid for it?
How can I get information about my property values?
I inherited property from my parents. Why was the property reassessed?
I owned property with my brother, who later changed it into my name alone. Is this a change of ownership?
How do I find out why a lien was filed on my property?
How do I find out the name of the owner of a particular property?
I am the victim of Real Estate Fraud. Who do I contact?
What is the Assessment Appeals Board?
If I filed an assessment appeal, do I still have to pay my property taxes?
File an Assessment Appeal
To file an Assessment Appeal Application online. Select the property tax bill and login to complete and submit the application.