Tax Agent Registration
- Services
- Assessment Appeals
- Tax Agent Registration
Tax Agent Registration Overview
On April 30, 2013, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted County Code 2.165, an ordinance amending Title 2 – Administration of the Los Angeles County Code to implement a Tax Agent Registration Program and requirement for all tax agents within Los Angeles County.
The Assessment Appeals Board is responsible to facilitate the Tax Agent Registration process in the area of identifying tax agents, processing registrations, and posting an online report that lists all registered and unregistered tax agents who are required to be in compliance with the ordinance.
County Code 2.165 defines a “Tax Agent” as any person who is employed, is under contract, or otherwise receives compensation to communicate directly, or through agents, employees or subcontractors, with any county official with the Assessor, Assessment Appeals Board, Assessment Hearing Officers, Auditor-Controller or Treasurer and Tax Collector for the purpose of influencing official action.
Tax Agents will be required to register with the Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors within 30 days after July 1, 2013, or within the first 30 days of first becoming a tax agent.
To complete Tax Agent Registration click here
For questions or comments, email us at:TaxAgentRegistration@bos.lacounty.gov
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File an Assessment Appeal
To file an Assessment Appeal Application online. Select the property tax bill and login to complete and submit the application.