Live Broadcast
Live Board Meetings
To listen to live Board meetings by phone, call (877) 873-8017. Access Code: 111111 (English), 222222 (Español)
Please note: Depending on your internet connection speed, it may take a few minutes for the broadcast to display.
Meeting Replay
Tuesday Board Meetings are televised on KLCS-TV, Wednesday at 11:00 P.M. on UHF channel 58 or as shown on your local TV channel line-up.
Agenda Items and Status
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The Board's Transcripts are available at the Los Angeles County's portal in Microsoft Word and PDF formats for searching by word or topic, and may be printed in its entirety or selected pages. The archives include all Board meetings beginning January 2003. For inquiries regarding transcripts of Board meetings, call (213) 974-1424.
Audio/Video Recordings
All Board meetings are available to the public on DVD and transcript. For duplicate DVDs call (213) 974-1424. There is a charge of $10.00 per DVD. An online transcript with corresponding video, and audio is available within 24-48 hours of Board meeting. You can visit the site by clicking