Commission Services
- Services
- Commission Services
Commission Services Division provides administrative support to County Commissions that reside in the Executive Office. This support includes planning and coordinating commission meetings and events, and conducting trainings and forums to assist commissioners in their roles. Commission Services also conducts sunset reviews, and tracks and maintains the appointment records for over 200 County Commissions. In addition, also serves as a resource and provides general guidance to the various County Commissions in the Committee Book.
Since its first meeting in 1852, the Board of Supervisors has encouraged citizen involvement and their expertise to assist the Board in serving the community. Commissions were established to help the Board deal with the many and varied duties and responsibilities of local county government. Commissions are created by State or Federal law, County ordinance or by action of the Board of Supervisors.
Los Angeles County Commission Membership Rosters and Websites
To view active members, alternates, vacancies and a factsheet providing an overview on all Los Angeles County created commissions, committees, task forces, special districts, agency boards and joint powers authorities please follow this link.

LA County Commission Manual
This manual provides a guide to Los Angeles County processes, legal parameters, and protocols that affect the business of County Commissions.
Interest to Serve
If you are interested in serving on a commission, please submit your interest for consideration.