Assessment Appeals Information
Regular Assessments Filing Period
Filing dates are July 2 to November 30*, of each year for all real and personal property assessments.
Supplemental Assessments Filing Period
Filing dates are within 60 days of the mailing date printed on the Supplemental notice or tax bill, or the postmark date of the notice or tax bill, whichever is later.
Roll Change/Adjusted and Escape Assessments
Filing dates are within 60 days of the mailing date printed on the notice or adjusted/escape assessment tax bill, or the postmark date of the notice or tax bill, whichever is later.
Misfortune & Calamity Reassessments Filing Period
Filing dates are within six months after the mailing date of the proposed reassessment notice.
If the final filing date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, an application that is mailed and postmarked on the next business day shall be deemed to have been filed timely.
Effective February 21, 2019, the current fee for written findings of fact is a minimum of $492.00 per parcel and issue on each appeal application
**Assessment Appeals Board Rule 8(E)**
The fee for written findings of fact is set by ordinance of the Board of Supervisors. The fee shall be imposed upon the party making the initial request or the party renewing the request after abandonment by the original requesting party. The fee for contiguous parcels or assessments involving the same issues, testimony, and owners shall not exceed the single parcel fee set by the Board of Supervisors.
For more information on the Assessment Appeals Board Rules – click Here