
EO & County Commissions


Charter-mandated body charged with acting as the appellate body for major disciplinary actions, discharges, reductions, suspensions, and discrimination complaints filed by County employees within the Civil Service System.

Commission for Children and Families

Monitor and evaluate progress in the implementation of task force recommendations adopted by the Board of Supervisors for improving the delivery of children's services.

Commission for Women

Established by the Board of Supervisors in 1975. Commission for Women represents the special interests and concerns of all women.

Commission on HIV

Reflects the thoughts, views and actions of approximately 50 individuals representing different Los Angeles County communities, people with HIV, providers serving them, public health interests and other perspectives impacted by this devastating epidemic.

Commission on Human Relations

Works to promote better human relations in Los Angeles County by working to transform prejudice into acceptance, inequity into justice, and hostility into peace.

Commission on Insurance

Advisory body to the Board charged to identity and recommend methods for reducing insurance cost improve customer education and community awareness on insurance.

Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee

CCJCC’s mission is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the local criminal justice system by strengthening interagency communication, cooperation, and coordination.

Economy And Efficiency Commission

Conducts reviews of all aspects of local government policy, management, and operations. Upon the completion of these reviews, the Commission submits its recommendations to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Employee Relations Commission

Established by Ordinance in 1969, to regulate labor relations in Los Angeles County.

Fish and Wildlife Commission

Advisory body of the Board of Supervisors and Fish and Wildlife Warden on the propagation and protection of fish and wildlife in the County and State of California.

Historical Landmarks and Records Commission

Shall consider and recommend to the Board of Supervisors local historical landmarks defined to be worthy of registration by the State of California Department of Parks and Recreations, either as a historical landmark or point of interest.

Information Systems Advisory Board

Multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional policy sub-committee of CCJCC established in 1982 to oversee the coordination, planning and development of major justice information systems.

Los Angeles County Redistricting Commission

In the County of Los Angeles, the CRC is responsible for drawing the supervisorial districts.

Local Governmental Services Commission

A multi-jurisdictional Commission, LGS advises government leaders in the County on ways to provide more responsible and cost-effective delivery of services.

Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation

A non-profit corporation formed to render assistance to Los Angeles County "the County" by acquiring and maintaining machinery, vehicles, and other equipment needed by the County.

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission

A governmental entity established under a Joint Powers Authority agreement dated September 25, 1945 between the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Regional Crime Laboratory Facility Authority

Oversee the design, construction and operation activities supporting the Regional Forensic Crime Laboratory.

LGBTQ+ Commission

The LGBTQ+ Commission is an advisory commission tasked with providing the Board of Supervisors, County Departments, and other Commissions with recommendations on how to improve services, programming, and supports available to the LGBTQ+ community across the County.

Prevention and Promotion Systems Governing Committee

Develops Countywide prevention and promotion programs and services plans related to spending, contracting and procurement coordination, human resources allocations and staffing, and data sharing, performance tracking, monitoring, and evaluation through multi-departmental collaboration and coordination.

Probation Oversight Commission

A civilian oversight body that advises the Probation Department and the Board of Supervisors and monitors the Probation Department's progress on systemic reform.

Quality and Productivity Commission

In 1981, the Board of Supervisors created an advisory committee to lead the way in carrying out a program of productivity improvement for the County of Los Angeles.

Redevelopment Oversight Board

Effective July 1, 2018, all 71 RDAs in Los Angeles County were consolidated into five (5) Oversight Boards organized by Supervisorial District.

San Fernando Valley Council of Governments

A joint powers authority of member cities in San Fernando Valley that share the goal of maximizing the quality of life and productivity for the member cities.

Sybil Brand Commission for Institutional Inspections

Authorized by the Board to inspect jails and group homes to examine effective and economical administration, deadliness, discipline, care and security of its inmates and children.

Tobacco and Securitization

 A non-profit corporation organized for the special purpose of financing the purchase of the Sold County Tobacco Assets.

West Carson Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Public Financing Authority

Oversee the creation of the EIFD- a funding mechanism that can facilitate the construction of infrastructure improvements in unincorporated West Carson.

Youth Commission

A youth-led organization that promotes youth participation in County affairs and policy development. Youth Commissioners have experience in foster care, juvenile justice, and unhoused services.

Youth Climate Commission

A 25-member youth-based Commission that works to strengthen LA County leadership on climate mitigation and adaptation by amplifying the perspectives and priorities of County youth.