
Membership Roster

Category I:

Citizen Advisory Commissions

Primary role is to provide feedback and recommendations to the Board and/or County Departments on proposed or existing policies, procedures, programs and services.

Category II:

Administrative Boards and Committees

Tasked with providing essential administrative functions on behalf of or in conjunction with government entities.

Category III:

Authorities of the County

Authorities or corporations under County control that make decisions about specific funds of the County.

Category IV

Interagency Coordination Committees

Entities that are concerned with the inter-organizational coordination of policies, regulations, services and programs to better serve the needs of citizens in specific subject areas.

Category V

Joint Powers Authorities

Comprised of a group of bodies that are primarily concerned with the direct delivery and management of government services, programs, and public infrastructure.

Category VI

Special Purpose Districts

Autonomous government entities that provide specialized functions for specific, clearly defined geographic areas.

Category VII

Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces

Temporary, special purpose committees that are created by the Board and/or other government entities to address pressing or emergency County problems.

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Membership Roster
Membership Roster