Lobbyist Information
- Services
- Conflict of Interest/Lobbyist
- Lobbyist Information
Lobbyist Ordinance
In April 1993, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance which requires lobbyists, who are compensated for communicating with any County official in order to influence official action, to register with the County of Los Angeles.
Lobbyist Registration Forms
Registration and reporting forms must be submitted via U.S. Mail, or hand-delivered.
Lob 1 Lobbying Firm / Individual Lobbyist
Use this form to register a lobbying firm or an individual lobbyist.
Lob 2 Lobbying Activity Authorization
This form is to be completed by a lobbyist employer client who contracts with a lobbying firm or individual lobbyist
Lob 3 Lobbyist Employer Registration Statement
This form is to be completed by a lobbyist employer who employs one or more in-house lobbyists or who contracts with a lobbying firm or individual contract lobbyist
Lob 4 Lobbyist Certification Statement
This form is to be completed by each individual contract lobbyist or in-house lobbyist
Lob 5 Amend to Registration Statement
Use this form to amend Registration Forms Lob 1, Lob 2, Lob 3 or Lob 4 to report changes of registration information ( i.e. address, telephone number)
Lob 6 Lobbyist Quarterly Report
This form must be completed by each registered lobbyist every calendar quarter
Lob 7 Lobbyist Firm Quarterly Report
This form must be completed by each registered lobbying firm or individual contract lobbyist every calendar quarter
Lob 8 Lobbyist Employer Quarterly Report
This form must be completed by a person or organization who contracts with a lobbying firm or who employs in-house lobbyists every calendar quarter
Lob 9 Report of Person, Entity Spending $5,000 or More
This form must be completed by a person or organization who contracts with a lobbying firm or who employs in-house lobbyists every calendar quarter
Lob 10 Amendment to Lobbyist Quarterly Reports
This form is to amend information submitted on Forms Lob 6, Lob 7, Lob 8 or Lob 9
Lob 11 Request for Waiver of Liability
This form is used to request a wavier of a late fee or fine imposed for the failure to comply
Electronic Lobbyist Filing System