For evacuation updates for the Franklin Fire burning in the City of Malibu and other emergency information, please visit https://lacounty.gov/emergency.
Visite http://LACounty.gov/Emergency para obtener actualizaciones sobre la evacuación del incendio forestal Franklin y otra información de emergencia.
Board Meeting/Agendas
To Address the Board:
12/17/2024 - Regular Board Meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Call: (877) 226-8163
Participant Code: 1336503
To Listen by Telephone Only:
Call: (877) 873-8017 Access Code: 111111 (English) 222222 (Espanol)
Public Hearing Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Public Hearing Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Policy Presentations Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Meetings of the Board
Meetings of the Board of Supervisors are held on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. at 500 West Temple Street, Room 381B, at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration in Los Angeles. The regular meeting of the Board held on the last Tuesday of the month is primarily for the purpose of conducting legally-required public hearings on zoning matters, fee increases, special district proceedings, property transactions, etc.
How to Participate
The meetings of the Board of Supervisors are open to the public, and all public participation is welcome. For information on how to submit comments during the Board meeting or in writing, please click here.
Statement of Proceedings/ Minutes
Click here to view actions taken by the Board.
The Board's Transcripts are available at the Los Angeles County's portal in Microsoft Word and PDF format.
Email Notification
Subscribe and receive an E-mail notification of the Board's next meeting agenda.
Rules of the Board
Learn how to participate and address the Board during the live meeting.
Information Booklet
View more information regarding Agendas and Meetings of the Board.
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple St.
Ste 383
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-1411