How to Participate
In Person Participation:
- On designated Board meeting days: Board Hearing Room, located at 500 West Temple Street, Room 381-B, Los Angeles, CA 90012
- Agendas are available online here: Agenda
- You may sign up for items on the posted agenda using the Kiosks located outside and inside the Board Hearing Room
- You may also sign up with your cellular phone or device using the QR codes posted outside and inside the Board Hearing Room
- Your name will be called and displayed on the screen when it is your turn to address the Board
Remote / Telephonic Participation:
- Starting at 9:00 a.m. PDT, call the phone number listed on the meeting Agenda
- Once prompted, enter the Participant Code number, then press #
- An Operator will take your name and item number(s) you wish to address and place you in a “listening-only” queue.
- Please listen carefully to the instructions on providing live testimony to the Board.
- You will need to press 1 then 0 to be moved into a “speaking“ queue when the item(s) you wish to address is called.
- You will hear, “You are in queue.”
- When it is your turn, the moderator will call your name and open your phone line.
- Note: Your line will be muted when your time expires, and you will be moved back to the “listening-only” queue.
- Note: If you press 1 then 0 twice, you will hear, “You are removed from the queue.”
- If you are inadvertently removed, you may press 1 then 0 to be placed back into the “speaking” queue.
- For additional instructions and tips, please visit our website at: Call-in Instructions and Tips
(NOTE: The Call-In Phone Number and Participant Code can change from meeting to meeting.)
When You’re Called on To Speak:
- The moderator will call your name and open your line.
- You must pay close attention to the meeting to know when the agenda item you wish to speak on has been called and it is your time to speak.
- You may be asked to state your name and the agenda item(s) you will address, including general public comment.
- You must ensure your microphone is unmuted before speaking.
- Turn down any other device before you unmute your line.
- You may speak for the allotted time.
- Please stay on topic or the moderator may move to the next speaker.
To View ONLY:
- Watch the Board meeting Live online HERE
- YouTube
- Rewatch the meeting on the Wednesday after the Board meeting at 11:00 p.m. on KLCS.
To Listen ONLY:
- Call (877) 873-8017 and enter the access code when prompted:
- For English: 111111
- For Spanish: 222222
(NOTE: Callers cannot address the Board using this number!)
To Submit Written Comments:
- To provide written comments on agenda items, use the following link: https://publiccomment.bos.lacounty.gov/
- Complete information at the top of the comment page (Note: First and Last names are required fields.)
- Choose the agenda item(s) that you wish to address.
- Select In Favor, Oppose, Other
- Optional: You may submit comments for each item separately or upload a document with all of your comments. (Attachment limit is 5 documents.)
- Select “Next”
- Verify the information is correct and select “Acknowledge” to submit.
- All comments submitted are public and viewable online.
- This page is updated at the end of each day.
To Request Accommodations or Translator:
- Requests for a translator, reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, can be made by contacting the Customer Service Desk at (213) 974-1411.