Building Management
- Executive Office
- Building Management
The County's proprietorship program, created in 1989, established with the Executive Officer the authority and responsibility for the maintenance and security of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration. As a result, the Building Management division was created to oversee and direct the maintenance, security, custodial services and the coordination of special building-wide projects for the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration.
Responsibilities of Building Management include:
- Coordinating the day-to-day maintenance activities between the service providers and Board of Supervisors, Executive Office, and the tenant departments
- Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure that the building is accessible and complying with local, State, and Federal safety regulations to ensure the safety of employees and the public
- Coordinating enhancement and required retrofit projects under an austere budget
- Developing and implementing enhanced security systems for the building including security cameras; digital recording equipment, upgrading and alarming emergency exit doors; and adding exterior lighting
- Coordinating special projects such as the network infrastructure, rewiring projects, and energy efficiencies.
- Liaise with filming production companies to provide filming logistics
- Overseeing the Building Emergency Coordinator program which ensures the building’s emergency response team conducts mandated drills and receives training and supplies.
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street, Room 383
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 974-2525