For wildfires recovery information, including Debris Removal & Right of Entry Forms, Disaster Recovery Centers, Fire Damage Maps, and Recovery Resources, please visit https://recovery.lacounty.gov/.



Citizens' Economy & Efficiency Commission

The Commission conducts reviews of all aspects of local government policy, management, and operations. Upon the completion of these reviews, the Commission submits its recommendations to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.


Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is a Charter-mandated body charged with acting as the appellate body for major disciplinary actions, discharges, reductions, suspensions in excess of five days, and discrimination complaints filed by County employees within the Civil Service System.


Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee

CCJCC’s mission is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the local criminal justice system by strengthening interagency communication, cooperation, and coordination.


Commission on HIV

The Commission reflects the thoughts, views and actions of approximately 50 dedicated individuals who represent different Los Angeles County communities, people with HIV, providers serving them, public health interests and other perspectives impacted by this devastating epidemic.


Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission

The Coliseum Commission is a governmental entity established under a Joint Powers Authority agreement dated September 25, 1945 between the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles. The Coliseum Commission’s purpose is to provide for the ongoing maintenance and operation of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (opened in 1923) and Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena (opened in 1959).


Quality and Productivity Commission

The Quality and Productivity Office provides central support and coordination through the Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors for the many activities of the Commission. Executive Director Jackie T. Guevarra, Program Manager Laura Perez and Program Support Tammy Johnson carry out day-to-day operations, coordinate activities, and respond to the requirements and direction of the Commission. They also work with the Countywide Productivity Managers' Network in carrying out their responsibilities.


Civilian Oversight Commission

On January 12, 2016, the Board voted to implement a Civilian Oversight Commission (Commission) with the mission to improve public transparency and accountability with respect to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Commission shall provide robust opportunities for community engagement, ongoing analysis and oversight of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department policies, practices, and procedures, and act as an advisory body to the Sheriff, the Board, and the public.

The Commission shall be comprised of nine members representing the Board, and providing expertise in such areas as custody, community engagement, juvenile justice, and mental health. The Office of Inspector General and its staff will work closely with the Commission and be accountable for investigations. The Executive Director and Commission staff will assist the Commissioners and the Commission’s work in a high level administrative and support role.


Employee Relations Commission (ERCOM)

The Executive Office provides staff support for the Employee Relations Commission (ERCOM), a body established by Ordinance in 1969, to regulate labor relations in Los Angeles County. The focus of the Commission is centered upon the establishment of bargaining units, the conduct of elections for certification and decertification of unions, and the investigation and hearing of unfair labor practice charges filed by employees, unions, and departments. The Commission also administers the processing of arbitration cases within the County.

Recently, the Commission has been conducting a number of 'agency shop' elections in various bargaining units pursuant to contract language in a number of agreements. In addition, the Commission has adapted to a substantial increase in the number of hearings granted to individual employees. The Commission staff is unified with that of the Civil Service Commission thereby making the staff of these commissions more efficient.


Probation Oversight Commission

The Probation Oversight Commission is a civilian oversight body that advises the Probation Department and the Board of Supervisors and monitors the Probation Department’s progress on systemic reform. The first body of its kind in the nation, the Board of Supervisors voted to implement the Probation Oversight Commission in 2020 as a result of the dedicated work and recommendations of the Probation Reform Implementation Team (PRIT).


Commission Services Division

Commission Services Division provides administrative and staff support to 22 County advisory commissions, joint powers authorities, and non-profit corporations. Visit the Commission Services website for additional information on commissions administratively supported by the Executive Office of the Board, membership rosters, factsheets, and to submit your interest to serve on a commission.
