For Palisades Fire, Eaton Fire, Hurst Fire, and other wildfires information, including real time evacuation updates, shelter, and other emergency information, please visit lacounty.gov/emergency.


Board Room Meeting

Sign up to speak in person

To address the Board in person, sign up from your phone or use the kiosks located in the lobby or the back of the boardroom. You can view the current agenda to review the agenda items for today's meeting.

Sign up:

  1. Enter your name.
  2. Drag the agenda number to your chosen position.
  3. Verify your entry & submit.

Include your cell number with your speaking request and select the option to receive a text message when your item begins.

Providing Comments:

  1. When your name is called and displayed on the screen, contact staff at the front of the room.
  2. When it is your turn to speak, introduce yourself by clearly stating your name.
  3. When beginning comments, state which items you will speak about so that your time will be properly allotted.
  4. If you have documents to share with the Board, hand them to a staff member.

You may also submit written public comments online here.


Board Room Rules

No eating or drinking in the auditorium.

Silence your devices. Keep noise level down.

No clapping or disruptive behavior. Anyone who is disruptive may be asked to leave the meeting.

It’s your time. No yielding time to other speakers.


A Spanish interpreter can assist with your public comment.

Un traductor está disponible para comentarios públicos.

ADA Seating available.

Go to the front of the Board room, or ask a staff member for assistance.

Accessible restrooms in the entrance lobby.

Baños accesibles en el lobby del tercer piso.

Spanish Interpretation  |  Interpretación Española

Live Spanish interpretation is available. Translation Devices are available at no cost upon request. Identification is required and will be held while the device is used. Please have your photo ID ready to receive a device. See County Staff for assistance. 

La interpretación en vivo está disponible durante la reunión. Dispositivos de traducción disponsibles aquí. Se requiere una identification para un dispositivo de traduccion. Por favor tenga su idenfitication con foto lista para recibir un dispositivo. Consulte al personal del condado en la parte trasera del auditorio para obtener ayuda.

Meeting Order

The order of the agenda is presented on the screen. This will help you understand what items will soon be discussed.

As items are discussed, the current Agenda item will appear on the screen as well.

General Public Comments are held at the end of the meeting.

meeting order.jpg

Consent Calendar

  • Most of the Board's agenda is a consent calendar.
  • All items on the consent calendar may be approved by one motion unless held for discussion by a Supervisor.
  • Items requested to be held for discussion or continued to a future meeting will be announced during the reading of the agenda.
  • The remaining items will be approved after public comment has been heard.

Opportunities to Comment

  • Consent Calendar: Items not held for discussion.
  • Held Items: Items held by the Board for discussion.
  • Closed Session Matters: Topics discussed in private chambers due to legal requirements.
  • General Public Comments: Topics not on the agenda.
  • Public Hearing Items: Items that legally require a formal proceeding to receive public testimony.

Public Comment Time

  • Consent Calendar: 1 minute
  • Held Item: 1 minute
  • Closed Session Matters: 1 minute
  • General Public Comment: 1 minute
  • Public Hearing Item: 1 minute

Time allotted may change at the Chair’s discretion. Speakers may be allowed to speak up to 6 minutes each meeting.

Emergency Preparedness

In the event of an emergency:

In case of a fire, civil disturbances, or criminal activity, please follow instructions from security and County personnel.

After an earthquake, wait until the shaking finishes before moving from cover. County Staff will advise if/when it is safe to evacuate.

earthquake drop_v2.png


earthquake cover_v2.png


earthquake hold on_v2.png


Know your nearest exit:

know your nearest exit 1.jpg

Doors to the left and right at the front of the auditorium lead to the exterior of the building in case of an emergency.

know your nearest exit 2.jpg

Doors in the back of the auditorium lead to the entrance lobby and to the exterior of the building.


Please ask a staff member.

To connect with County services, visit the Constituent Assistance Team near the front of the room on the right. There are representatives from:

  • Public Social Services
  • L.A. Homeless Services Authority
  • Mental Health
  • Children Family Services

You may also call the Board of Supervisors Executive Office customer service team at (213) 974-1411.